Influenza, most commonly known as the flu, is a seasonal viral infection. Here in the states the season begins in August and ends in March (usually peaking in the winter months). The flu is very contagious and usually disproportionately affects the very young, older adults, pregnant women and those with underlying health conditions (especially COPD and asthma).

Symptoms for the flu can include fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, cough, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and weakness. Symptoms can last for 2 to 5 days.

Influenza is usually treated with antivirals, acetaminophen or NSIADs. Supplements such as Zinc, Quercetin, Elderberry, Vitamin C are also helpful in reducing symptoms. Cool baths or showers, staying hydrated are also important when fighting the flu. IV hydration with vitamins such as vitamin C, B complex, etc can also be helpful to overcome the flu.

Risk reduction is also important so good nutrition, proper gut health, addressing vitamin D deficiency and maintaining a good weight are important not only in reducing the risk of contracting the flu but for overall health.

With the presence of COVID-19, it can be difficult to evaluate if you are experiencing the seasonal flu, COVID or possibly both. If you are experiencing these symptoms, contact your primary care clinician. If they will not see you or you need a primary care clinician, you can become a member of Compassion Primary Care, a direct primary care (dpc) practice or schedule a non-member visit.

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